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The efficacy and role of chondroitin sulfate

The efficacy and role of chondroitin sulfate

Mar 14, 2022
Chondroitin sulfate is a substance of mucopolysaccharide extracted from the cartilage of sharks, cows, pigs and chickens, and has a very wide range of effects.

1. Anti-arthritis:

The synovium in the joint is very harmful to the joint, and chondroitin sulfate absorbs the Na+ of the synovial membrane of the joint swelling, which can prevent the growth of bone, restore the normality of the cartilage, and reduce the cotton or sponge implantation of the joint swelling. , can effectively reduce the inflammatory response of arthritis.

2. Lipid-regulating and lipid-lowering:

Chondroitin sulfate can help reduce the deposition of local cholesterol in the body, which is very helpful for lipid-regulating and lipid-lowering, and also has anti-thrombotic, anti-coagulation and anti-atherosclerosis effects.

3. Improve eye dryness:

Chondroitin sulfate can improve the blood circulation and metabolism of the cornea, can help the cornea reduce water metabolism and improve the phenomenon of eye dryness, and has a good anti-inflammatory effect on inflammation.

4. Protection of bones:

After chondroitin sulfate enters cartilage tissue, it can produce protease, which can reduce the production of articular cartilage and damage enzymes, and can effectively prevent the calcification of cartilage joints. It has a good preventive effect on bones becoming brittle and stiff. To restore the flexibility of cartilage, it also has a good preventive effect on bone hyperplasia, preventing and improving osteoporosis.

5. Repair cartilage:

Chondroitin sulfate can stimulate chondrocytes to generate new cartilage tissue, promote cartilage regeneration in chondrocytes, relieve joint edema and damage, and relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis and arthritis effect.

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