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Who is suitable for taking melatonin?

Who is suitable for taking melatonin?

May 19, 2022
Many people know that taking melatonin is an effective sleep aid method, but not everyone can use it to improve sleep, some people are not suitable for eating, so who is suitable for eating and who is not suitable for eating? This article will popularize the sleep-aiding principle of melatonin, so that everyone can correctly understand melatonin, and it is not advisable to take it blindly.

Suitable for people taking melatonin:
1. Frequent insomniacs: People who are often unable to fall asleep or sleep very lightly and have sleep disorders can improve their sleep quality by taking melatonin. Melatonin can quickly make people drowsy and effectively help shorten the time to wake up before going to sleep and fall asleep. time.
2. Shift workers in the morning and evening: Shift work in the morning and evening will seriously disrupt the secretion of melatonin in the body, resulting in sleep problems. Melatonin can improve the sleep quality and length of patients with shift work disorders, so that they have enough physical strength and energy on the third day. energy to work.
3. Those who adjust the jet lag: Those who have problems such as sleep rhythm disorder, physical fatigue and lack of energy due to jet lag can consider taking melatonin to improve sleep. Melatonin has an antagonistic effect on the effects of changes in the light regime, is an active substance that adjusts the biological clock, and can effectively improve sleep quality.
4. Middle-aged and elderly: As the age of the middle-aged and elderly groups increases, the secretion of melatonin in the body gradually decreases, and the body senses a worsening sleep signal, resulting in shallow and short sleep. Appropriate supplementation of melatonin can improve sleep quality, help to reduce the next morning wake-up threshold, and effectively prolong sleep time
between. Sleeping well will make your body healthy and help prolong your life.

Not suitable for people taking melatonin:
1. Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding: Because the secretion of melatonin in the fetus and the baby is very rich, it is easy to pass the melatonin hormone to the fetus and baby through the placenta or milk at this time, causing excessive melatonin.
2. Not suitable for infants and adolescents (minors): These groups are in the developmental period, and their own melatonin secretion can meet their needs. Even if there is sometimes insomnia, it is not suitable for taking it, because it may interfere with the endocrine. endocrine disorders.
3. People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, insufficiency of digestion and absorption organs, and people with rheumatoid, rheumatic fever, alcohol allergy and other physical problems are not suitable for taking it. These problems should be dealt with first, so that the body can return to a normal health state and then choose to take it according to individual circumstances.
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